Housing without harming the countryside

While we need to provide homes for the next generation, it’s vital that new houses go in the right place with the infrastructure to support them.

This mean protecting green spaces that matter to people, and building homes that meet the needs of modern life with good broadband and high energy efficiency.

I will always stand up for people in Faversham and Mid Kent - both locally and in Parliament - to make sure we get development that is right for our community.

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Stop Lenham Heath Development

I'm shocked at the scale of the Lenham Heath 'garden village' being proposed by Maidstone Borough Council and concerned about how close it is to villages nearby.


An update on Maidstone Borough Council's Local Plan

Maidstone Borough Council’s new Local Plan will determine the future of development in our community for the next decade.

It’s crucial that we get these important decisions right and that the views of local residents are heard by decision makers.

We need to take water capacity seriously

One of the concerns I hear most from people about new housing is the impact on local infrastructure – from roads to drainage.

I know from the emails and letters I receive just how much local residents want to see water quality improved and an end to localised flooding.

Local residents must have their say on Lenham Heath development

New homes can change the look and feel of a place, so it’s vital we get decisions about development right.

This is particularly true at Lenham Heath where there are plans to build thousands of new homes as part of a Garden Village development.