Help for local businesses to grow

Almost everywhere you look, Faversham and Mid Kent is teeming with brilliant businesses who we could be doing more to help grow. 

In never ceases to amaze me how many diverse businesses we have locally. From farms to foundries, health tech to rocket manufacturers. Possibly the only thing they have in common is how tough they've found the last few years. Brexit uncertainty, covid, and inflation have given businesses lots to think about besides expanding.

But now we're heading out the other side, we've got to start to get businesses thinking about growing again. 

Taking that next step can often be a challenge - whether it’s barriers to trade, changes to local and national policy, or finding the right skills. I want to work to help bridge these gaps, with support from our local councils and government ministers. When I was a minister in the Treasury I spent a huge amount of time looking at this, and how getting it right leads to more jobs and a stronger local economy.

With that in mind please find below my 2024 survey for local business - I'd love to hear from you if you've got something specific I could be doing to help.

Helen's 2024 business survey

What sector is your business in?
How long have you been trading?
Do you feel that your business is fully consulted on local matters?
Would you be interested in joining a forum for local businesses to create a unified voice?
If possible, would you like to grow your business?
If yes, which of the following do you feel are barriers to that? (You can select more than 1)
Since the coronavirus pandemic, do you feel that footfall in your local area has:


Jobcentre events arrive in Faversham

I've been campaigning for years to get a Jobcentre outreach post in Faversham. 

For some residents, getting to the Jobcentre in Sittingbourne often created the very same barriers that were making it hard to get into work.

Maidstone Job Centre Plus turns one

Getting people into work is incredibly important.

It’s the best way to help people get on in life, support businesses, and grow our economy.

It's time to go for growth


Today the Chancellor announced a bold set of measures to get our economy growing - something that's vital to improving people’s standard of living, as well as funding public services. 

Launching my business newsletter

I’ve launched a new quarterly newsletter for businesses in Faversham and Mid Kent.

I’m starting these updates in addition to my surgeries, meetings and visits - to keep local businesses up to date on what's going on, both at a national level and here in the constituency.

Spring Statement helps tackle cost of living

These are difficult times – inflation and surging energy bills are putting a squeeze on households and businesses across the country.

Our Spring Statement helps people with the cost of living now, while taking the long-term decisions that will boost growth and share prosperity.

A helping hand for the Hot Tin

The past two years have been incredibly tough for many of our local businesses.

I recently called into the Hot Tin in Faversham to see how this fabulous local café and music venue is getting back on its feet after the pandemic.

3,000 ‘Kickstarters’ in Kent

Latest stats show that over 3,000 young people across Kent have benefitted from our Kickstart scheme.

It was great to be back at the West Faversham Community Centre last week – talking to young people about how the work placements provided by Kickstart are helping them find jobs.

Backing Small Business Saturday

From booksellers to butchers, small businesses make the places we love special.

I called into a number of shops and businesses in Faversham to mark Small Business Saturday on 4 December.